Dumb Money

2 min readFeb 21, 2022

So I launched an NFT project. It is Degens Under My Bed, on Fantom.


First of all, it was a combination of about 3 different ideas I had. I was not setting out to create a frog-and-bedroom themed NFT series. I was focused on the Dumb Money concept and briefly ran through various ideas that would come to D.U.M.B. This led to the name.

Secondly I wanted to learn how to use the various NFT engines by creating various layers into PNG files. This gave me a fairly simple approach to learn and spend far too many hours dabbling with.

Third, I wanted to create a DAO or at least a community with a token. I chose NFTs over ERC20 because distribution feels better. Selling NFTs felt much more wholesome than simply dropping tokens in a liquidity pool and opening up shop.

What the fuck?

Yeah. So. The idea has been to create something. I had abandoned many ideas over the years before getting past the whitepaper. This time around, no whitepaper. No roadmap. I have been in crypto since 2015 and have seen every possible iteration of a scam, many of which had great whitepapers and roadmaps.

This project is quite simple. Collectively managing a treasury and making decisions on what to do with it. Leveraging Beethoven pools to gain yield while maintaining exposure to projects we believe in within the Fantom ecosystem.

The future is open ended whether we are yolo-ing our treasury into micro caps or investing in virtual real-estate and art…

I hope this project can help bring people into the fold and they can learn something new. I think the worst thing people can do is get comfortable in crypto, this is the easiest way to fall behind. Always learning new strategies and new protocols is the way to stay afloat long term.

In the end, the sooner one realizes they are the dumb money, the sooner they can start to save themselves.




@0xggwp on Twitter. Semi-retired Degenerate.